Commercial Fridge Disposal Online Quote | Book Online

You can now book your commercial fridge & freezer collection online with our online booking facility. Simply complete the fields and process your order through our secure online checkout and we do the rest.

We provide a full, digital, compliant audit trail for all of our commercial fridge or freezer collections to prove that your unit(s) have been collected by a licenced carrier and has been taken to a licenced treatment facility,

If you require a domestic fridge collection, please click here

All services come with a courtesy text 24 hours before collection.  All cancellations or amendments MUST be done outside of 24 hours before proposed collection date

All fridges must have their compressor attached and be free of any contamination

Please Note: As of 1st April 2022, ALL commercial fridge/freezer collections must have assistance from the customer to move & load onto our vehicle.  If there is no-one available, please select the 2-man team option.

Failure to select the 2-man team when there is no assistance at the collection point will result in your collection being cancelled.  In this case a wasted journey charge of £125.00 or the full booking cost (whichever is less) will be deducted from any payments made

The above clause also applies to units that are complete with compressor or that are contaminated with food or other wastes

An Environment Agency Consignment Note Fee of £35.00 will be charged at the checkout screen


If you have any questions, simply contact us via our chat bot in the bottom right hand corner of your screen, or call us on 0333 880 6991

  • from £125.00

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