Encapsulated Instructions in Writing

ADR requirement - The driver of all vehicles carrying dangerous goods is required to have a copy of the four page ADR 2017 TREM card which contains advice to the driver in the event of an incident involving the various classes of dangerous goods. The new TREM card is to be supplied by the carrier of the dangerous goods.

These Instructions in Writing are made from a plastic encapsulated card that is hard wearing.


The instructions in writing according to ADR have replaced the previously used Tremcards.


The Instructions in Writing must be provided by the carrier to the vehicle crew in a language that each member can read and understand before the commencement of the journey. The carrier must ensure that each member of the vehicle crew concerned understands and is capable of carrying out the instructions properly.


Before starting the journey, the members of the vehicle crew must inform themselves of the dangerous goods loaded and consult the instructions in writing for details on actions to be taken in the event of an accident or emergency.

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